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About the blog

The Talking Capitalism blog is a way to share words and images from Sarah's road trip 2018 but also from members of the Talking Capitalism Collective and others. 


Posts from the road trip will appear on The Blog page but only posts from the road (Sarah's and those of people she meets) will appear on the Road Trip page. 


We're eager to open the conversation to as many people as possible; if you'd like to post to the blog, please email or go to the Contact page.   

Writer's pictureSarah Stookey

Labor Day 2018

I'd never visited this south-central part of the state; just east of the Connecticut River. Moodus, where I stayed, is part of the town of East Haddam (the town's website has some great historical photographs). The stone walls, thick woods and old farmhouses feel more like Vermont than the Connecticut I'm familiar with. The name Moodus was derived from the Algonquian Matchetmadosett.

According to Wikipedia, Moodus was the 19th century"twine capital of America", with up to 12 mills, the last of which closed in 1977. There was a capitalism in Moodus in 1877 when the elegant Goodspeed Opera house opened in East Haddam. How did work and pay, capital and profit play out then? How was that different in 1920? And 1979? And now? In the supermarket in nearby Colchester I heard a cashier talking with her customer and the cashier next to her: "today I'm earning what I'm worth because I'm getting time and a half - other days I don't get what I deserve".

The Connecticut River, East Haddam CT


Serving hotdogs for 97 years in Colchester

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